Personal Insurances
Whether for your house, contents, vehicles or personal properties, ARB Insurance Brokers can help you to create bespoke solutions for your personal insurance needs. Don’t leave it to chance, get covered and find out why getting the right cover is important for your domestic insurances. ·
Home Insurance ·
Car Insurance ·
Travel Insurance ·
Life Insurance ·
Mortgage Repayment Insurance ·
Health Insurance
This policy was designed to cover all accidents that are likely to occur in the home. The Comprehensive Homeowners insurance policy provides five main covers.
The first section covers the insured's building against Loss or damage caused by perils such as fire, explosion, lightning, storm, hurricane, tornado, flooding, earthquake, volcanic eruption, bursting or overflowing of water tanks, etc.
The second section covers the insured’s contents against the above perils as well as burglary or any attempt excluding theft not involving entry into or exit from the private dwelling house, domestic offices, garages or outbuildings by forcible and violent means. In other words, these two sections are similar to a combined fire & allied perils and burglary policy.
The third section of this policy covers the insured’s liability to the public. That is, death and personal injury to any person not being a member of the insured’s household, servant or employee and accidental damage to property not belonging to or in the charge of or under the control of the insured or a member of his household, servant or employee caused within the limits of the private dwelling house.
The fourth section of the policy provides cover for personal accident, which is bodily injury which independently of any other cause shall result in death, temporary disablement or permanent disability and medical expense caused to the insured and or spouse and or children.
The fifth section provides the insured with the actual cost of renting an alternatively reasonable accommodation for the period necessary for reinstatement (maximum 12 months) for an amount not exceeding ten per centum of the full value of the property per annum or the proportionate part thereof monthly
All motor vehicle owners are required by law to have a motor insurance policy to cover their legal liability to others who may suffer death, bodily injury or damage to their property as a result of the use of the vehicle.
Victims of such injuries and damage are usually passengers, pedestrians, property owners and other road users.
The motor policy is meant to cover the liabilities of our insured's vehicle towards third parties who may suffer loss or bodily injury or death as a result of the use of the motor vehicle.
Under the motor portfolio, three types of cover are available for clients namely,
The Third Party Cover, Third Party Fire & Theft Cover, and the Comprehensive Cover. Third-Party Cover
a) This covers bodily injury to third parties e.g. passengers, pedestrians and other road users, the sum insured is unlimited.
b) There is also an offer compensation to any property that may be damaged by the insured vehicle, and the sum insured is limited to GH¢2,000.00 unless specifically requested for. Damage to the insured vehicle is not covered.
Third Party Fire and Theft
Under this policy there is cover for all the above, and in addition, provide compensation to the insured for loss or damage to the insured’s vehicle if the loss or damage is as a result of fire and or theft.
Comprehensive Cover
The greatest extent of cover is under the comprehensive policy, and this includes the above, as well as compensation to the insured for accidental damage to the insured vehicle.
Specifically, there is cover for losses like own damage, total loss either through fire, theft and burglary or accidental damage as well as third-party damage and bodily injury.
This policy provides financial relief to International travelers for medical expenses and hospitalization abroad, delayed departure, location and forwarding of baggage and personal effects,
Others include compensation for in-flight loss of check-in baggage, delivery of medicine, emergency dental care, advance of funds, loss of passport, drivers’ license, national identity card abroad, emergency return home following death of a close family member, repatriation of family member traveling with Insured, travel of one immediate family member and repatriation of mortal remains.
Life insurance or life assurance is a contract between the policy owner and the insurer, where the insurer agrees to pay a designated beneficiary an agreed sum of money upon the occurrence of the insured person's or persons death in return for the payment of a premium.
It is important to understand that the policy owner or beneficiary may be different to the Insured Person, however in such circumstances an insurable interest has to be determined, such as a bank’s interest in the Insured Person following the provision of a loan, or the interest of a dependent spouse on the earnings of a partner for the financial security of the family.
To be a life policy the insured event must be based upon the lives of the people named in the policy, the Life Insureds.
Life policies are legal contracts and the terms of the contract describe the limitations of the insured events.
Specific exclusions are often written into the contract to limit the liability of the insurer; for example, claims relating to suicide, fraud, war, riot and civil commotion.
As the name suggests, mortgage repayment insurance is an insurance product designed to cover your mortgage payments when you are unable to pay them because of an injury, illness, or unemployment.
Simply, if you are unable to pay for your house mortgage, you don't have to worry about them if you have mortgage repayment insurance.
Depending on the policy you purchased, mortgage repayment insurance can cover you for 12 months or more.
Aside from this, getting protection for your mortgage promises a number of benefits for you and you precious investment.
Health insurance is a type of insurance coverage that covers the cost of an insured individual's medical and surgical expenses.
Depending on the type of health insurance coverage, either the insured pays costs out-of-pocket and is then reimbursed, or the insurer makes payments directly to the provider.
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